Eye Wipes
Our eyes also need to be cleaned
Environmental influences, pollutants and make-up: our eyes are exposed to various stresses every day. But only the least clean your eyes regularly. But daily cleaning is important because it can prevent irritation. Daily cleaning and care should become a ritual to protect the eyes well and permanently. It provides the necessary cleanliness and supports eye health, so infectious eye diseases are less likely to occur.
Basic cleaning of the eyes usually takes place when the face is waxed. This removes debris, dirt or makeup. With a wash lotion and cosmetic wipes, even heavier dirt can be removed. But this cleaning is often not enough. Often, heavier deposits form at the edge of the eyelid of the eye, so that inflammation or disease can occur.
Ceansing for dry eyes
Eye cleaning is particularly important when contact lenses are worn. In that case it is important to care and moisturize the eyes, additionally. The prolonged wearing of contact lenses often causes dry eyes.
What are dry eyes anyway? Dry eyes result from the tear glands in the eye not releasing enough fluid. The surface of the eye cannot be sufficiently moistened. The result? The eyelid cannot glide smoothly over the eyeball. This causes the typical symptoms. By the way, the tear fluid ensures that our eyes are cleaned in a natural way. It flushes out foreign bodies and other debris through blinking. If less tear fluid is produced, this natural cleansing can no longer be carried out and symptoms arise. To combat the symptoms, we recommend artificial tears.
The eye cleaning
When cleaning the eyes, it is important to thoroughly clean the edges of the eyelids and the eyelashes. If your eyelid tends to flake, you can use saline solution, for example. To do this, the saline solution should simply be spread on lint-free absorbent cotton. Always wipe in the direction of the root of the nose.
The areas around the eyes are often also dry, as moisture regulation does not work as well there as it does in other parts of the body. Special moisturizers for the eyes can help. Gels and mild products without mineral oils are particularly suitable.
Buy eye cleaning product online
You will find a wide range of high quality eye cleansing products in our pharmasana online store. We wish you a good recovery.