Babys & Children - Homeopathy
Homeopathy remedies for babies and children
Children of all ages are susceptible to seasonal colds and coughs. Giving them antibiotics for every infection makes them sick and disrupts their natural immune response. For children, it is best to use a natural and safe method of treatment that will not only mildly and gently fight their infection, but also strengthen their immune system over time. Homeopathy is one such natural system of medicine and has no side effects for children.
Babies and children are affected by a variety of ailments such as seasonal cold, dry cough, cough with phlegm, tonsillitis, allergic rhinitis, flu, sore throat and upper respiratory infections. Every parent probably knows this. When treating these infections and diseases, it is important that the symptoms have been examined by a medical professional. Only then should you start homeopathic treatment.
Homeopathic remedies for fever and co.
Colds and coughs are often accompanied by fever. This is because during an infection, the body tries to kill the disease-causing bacteria in the bloodstream by raising the body temperature. So, a fever is a natural defensive reaction of the body and should not cause panic in parents. If your child has a cold and cough with a fever, see a qualified homeopathic doctor.
Homeopathic medicines not only lower the temperature, but also treat the infection, leading to a natural recovery. During fever, drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. A temperature chart should be kept. Blood tests do not give a diagnostic clue until the third day, so it is better to undergo specific tests only if they have been recommended by the doctor. Usually, fever with rhinitis and cough resolve completely within two to three days with an appropriate homeopathic remedy.
Homeopathic remedies in the growth phase
Parents are often concerned about their children's height and weight. Regular monitoring of these parameters and comparing them with the expected value for the child's age can provide information about the child's growth status. For children who are skinny, weak or not growing as predicted, homeopathic medicines to increase height and weight are available and effective. Calcarea phosphorica is an effective homeopathic medicine for children's height as it affects bone tissue and promotes growth.
Homeopathic remedies for bedwetting
There are certain other problems in children that need attention. Some children need time to urinate on their own or to avoid wetting themselves. Bedwetting is very common and in some cases persists even beyond the age of three to four years. It is always a good habit to have the child urinate before bedtime. This establishes a healthy habit for life and the likelihood of bedwetting is minimized. If such measures are not enough to eliminate the tendency, homeopathic medicines can be used effectively to break the habit.
Homeopathic remedies for digestive problems
Digestive problems are common in children. Infants often suffer from colic because they can not digest the food they eat. In colic and indigestion homeopathic remedies are useful and effective and develop the assimilative power of the child. Another related issue is the problem of worms. Worm infestation is common in young children. Symptoms include cravings for sweets, grinding of teeth at night, and bedwetting. The worms can also be passed in the stool. Worm infestations significantly affect children's growth and development. The face may become sickly and pale and the child becomes moody and irritable. These complaints are all treatable with homeopathic medicines. However, a doctor should always be consulted.
Homeopathic remedies for learning difficulties
School-age children sometimes have learning difficulties when their concentration wanes. Routine eye examinations should definitely be performed in children as well, since nowadays even young children suffer from vision problems. It is not uncommon to find refractive errors (often myopia) in school children. If a child suffers from poor concentration even with normal vision, he or she may need homeopathic treatment. It is often observed that grades improve significantly after adequate homeopathic treatment.
Homeopathic remedies for babies and children in Pharmasana online store
You will find a wide range of homeopathic remedies for babies and children in our Pharmasana online shop. Please note that you should consult a doctor before any treatment of your child. The treatment should never be done on your own.