

Ahorn-Apotheke e.K.

Sigrid Fischer

Hauptstraße 52

76461 Muggensturm

Telefon: 07222 96 756 20

Register court: Mannheim district court
Register number: HRA 520910
VAT ID: DE 813 720 315
Revenue office: Muggensturm

Owner and responsible party: Sigrid Fischer, Pharmacist

The occupational title "Pharmacist" was bestowed in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Responsible chamber of pharmacists: Baden-Württemberg State Chamber of Pharmacists
Villastrasse 1, 70190 Stuttgart, Germany, can be accessed at:
Regulations under occupational law: Professional Code of Landesapothekerkammer Baden-Hauptstraße, can be accessed at:

Responsible supervisory authority: Karlsruhe Regional Administrative Authority

The pharmacy medicines are shipped from the operating facilities Zehntwiesenstrasse 70 in 76275 Hauptstraße, Germany, on the basis of the mail-order sales licence according to Section 11a of the German Pharmacy Act (ApoG) dated 4 April 2011 of the Karlsruhe Regional Administrative Authority, Markgrafenstrasse 46 in 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany, as supervisory authority.

On its webpages, Ahorn-Apotheke Mail-Order Pharmacy references other pages on the Internet by means of links. Ahorn-Apotheke Mail-Order Pharmacy has no influence on the design and contents of these linked pages. Therefore, Ahorn-Apotheke Mail Order Pharmacy cannot guarantee the timeliness, correctness and quality of the information provided there.

Information regarding online dispute resolution
The EU Commission has created an internet platform for the resolution of online disputes.
Consumers may access the platform through this link:

However, we are neither willing nor obliged to take part in dispute resolution proceedings at consumer dispute resolution agencies.